

We’re all lost dots in the lattice.

Finding our way across dimensions,





(When we struck past one another

like two forlorn atoms in the dark,

was the brush strong enough to remind

how you and I had once connected

amidst the mesh and the web.

How we had given up a bit on our footholds

to go a tad towards each other’s way.

How we’d rested in each-other’s voids

amidst our fragile existences.

And how it was all rush and electric,

till the charge evanesced.)


When the end arrives, a zillion touch heavier,

will we get to pick what to forsake and which ones to hold?


Who knows where the forces lead.



Where the sun seldom rose like the south of Antarctic, the skeleton

mourned lacuna in its sombre hideout in apocalyptic dark.


When my Cimmerian soul conjured dreams of quaint springs

for the chaotic backyards of my mind.


And I ran amok amidst the wild shrubs in

the savanna, looking for birds of paradise till

you brushed past my rusty flesh like a holly wreath.


Till the quietest whispers of daybreak,

relentlessly across the nighted Pacific

let my demons fly with yours

defying gravity.



Candles Online

During my childhood days, Independence day always meant patriotic songs, pompous processions, humdrum speeches and delectable jalebis, all-in-all an eventful holiday to me. It was when I grew up a little that I started understanding the reason behind all these festivities. Independence day is a celebration of freedom, a reiteration of our rights and duties towards our great nation, I was told. As for rights and duties, they are clearly adumbrated in our constitution, it was the term ‘freedom’ which puzzled me quite a bit. What is freedom, I asked myself. Does this only mean that we can elect our own government who get to rule us, and not some foreign tyrants. Is it only symbolic or has an aspect to it which affects our day-to-day life? To which extent have we achieved freedom and how far do we have to further go?

Freedom is when we have the…

View original post 267 more words



The heart has let loose,

But the mind holds on to the noose.

In the labyrinthine streets of

no strings attached

The nemeses are at war.

Shut are the thoughts,

confined the senses.

But in my clandestine reveries,

Fluoresces evanescent hope of serendipity.


When the obsession dampens to

Little pricks of recollections

And spirit immerses again, in tender bonhomie

At such times, dear Heart

Still remember what caused the mess.

Immerse -The Daily Post prompt



The larks and flamingos are revered at light,

But when the nights dawn and nocturnals rise

When clouds drape the moon in a starless sky

We awake from slumber, for we are

the sworn sovereigns of the night.


The specks of iridescence are overlapped by grey ashes

When in forest, burning bright are the fearful symmetries*.

In those hours, over the kingdom of nyctophiles,

with chirps of crickets and howling of wolves

the flaps of our wings lay in harmony.


Feeding on the shadows, morsel by morsel

And anchored to the hidden moonbeams

we soar to the cosmic hurricane.

Who said darkness is fearful, for us it’s synonymous to life.


(*From ‘The Tyger’ by William Blake)

Image courtesy: Pinterest




An imbrication of stares and blinks,

my nights have become a reverberation

of your whispers’ lilt.

As I swing back and forth

past my gossamer cloudland,

I envisage how it’d be like to float with

you through the hourglass of sand.


The demesne which I used to call mine

has now become your territory.

Trespass all you want, but shush,

you tread on my sleep.





Each day rolls by, with my hours

pivoted around you. I wonder when it was I

imbued you in me.

Was it when I floated through elation with your wit in air

or when I was spellbound by the mirth

you splurged on me.


I can’t help smiling as I realize,

darling, you had me at hello.