Secrets of the Ocean



Forever I’ve lived

keeping a tranquil façade.

Witnessing with every rise and ebb

a turn of incidents, with shrewd eyes.

For I have in me the silence of millenniums.

The secrets, which disappear at the ground

still lay sleeping in my core.


I’ve heard sighs of souls as the water choked the insides.

I’ve seen the last flickers of hope

as they extinguished with soundless cries.

Untold stories, haunting dreams which

disappeared with their closing eyes.


In my infinite stretch

I contain the turbulence of my blood tainted blues.

As I hear the resonated cries of the boat

which could never make it to the shore.


I have captured shimmering snapshots

of celestial conspiracies,

which turn a raindrop pearl

and render the rest insignificant,

as I turned them saline.


Responsible for countless demises, guilty I stand.

But left choice-less,

I oblige to Nature’s behest.


(Image clicked at Gokarna, India.)

5 thoughts on “Secrets of the Ocean

  1. PoeticW@rrioR

    Lovely piece… An ocean is the biggest secret locker in the world after which comes the human race if that’s ever possible…😄😄


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